From swinging golf clubs to weeding the garden, popular sports and weekend activities can take a toll on our backs. Even daily chores like lifting heavy groceries or carrying a hefty load of laundry can cause back pain.
Millions of people suffer from back pain every year. Though most back pain is acute or short term and doesn’t last more than a few days or weeks, other types of back pain can be chronic, lasting for three months or more.

At times, the activities you most enjoy can cause back pain.
Back pain has a variety of causes, many of which are mechanical:
Shedding extra pounds and maintaining a healthy weight is important when it comes to preventing back pain as excess weight can cause back strain. Maintaining good posture while walking and sitting is important as well. Planning to move furniture or another heavy object? Assume a squatting position and let your legs do the work, not your back. Also, enlist the help of one or two others as sharing the load means less wear and tear on your body.
Regular chiropractic checks can help you keep your back strong and healthy and less likely to experience pain.