Clinical Biomechanics of Posture®, also known as CBP, is an uncommon yet advanced chiropractic technique that utilizes traction to correct problems with a person’s posture and/or spinal alignment.

Why is Posture Important?
Most people have poor posture which leads to neck and back pain. Spinal bones can’t function properly when a person’s posture is “bad” for a long period of time. Meanwhile, nerve flow, circulation, muscles and more are often negatively affected by one’s posture.
What to Expect
A chiropractor will examine you and may take X-rays. He or she will specifically examine (and measure) your posture. Adjustments, traction and exercises are utilized in order to help improve the integrity and overall function of a person’s spine. Traction is specifically used in order to help move the spine into its preferred position, correcting for the effects of postural distortions acquired over time. Exercises, meanwhile, will help strengthen any areas of the spine which have become weak.
Learn More Today
CBP is an advanced technique– not every chiropractor offers it. That said, it’s quite effective and might be just what you need. Find out by scheduling an appointment.